Monday 27 October 2014


When you come back from, what I hope was a lovely weeks holiday we have lots to do.

TOPIC - Straight away, we are going to get really stuck into our Mayan topic, to improve our history knowledge and skills. We will find out when they lived, what they created and what they believed in. After that, we will have a science focus with a a new topic called 'The Animal Kingdom'.

ENGLISH - We are going to study the stories of an author called Michael Foreman (have a look on our literacy blog page, for more information), he's great. We will also have another poetry day and look at letter writing, with some fun links to our topic.

MATHS - We will continue to develop our skills in mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also do some work on measuring and data collection and have a concentrated look at working with fractions.

PE  We have the all important dance to create for our school production 'Around the world in 80 days' but we are very lucky to be having a PE specialist coming in once a week to work on your football skills with you. Don't forget your trainers and PE kit.

We will of course continue with our computer programming, French, RE and PSHE,

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