Wednesday 10 December 2014

Flying ahead to the New Year - New Topic on FLIGHT!

Have a look at these attempts at flying. 
Which design goes the furthest?
Who do you think invented the first flying machine?
What do you already know about flight?
What do you want to find out? 

Sunday 7 December 2014

Fuss Free Friday

In year 3 we have what is called 'Fuss Free Friday.' This is an opportunity for the children to make independent decisions about when, how and where they work, Expectations remain high, but there is a real sense of the children taking control of their own learning. Plus, it's a lot of fun too!
Following interactive instructions - this was quite challenging, but we got there.

Choosing to work alone 

Deciding which activity to do

Supporting each other when it's tricky

Opting for a quiet area to work in

Thursday 13 November 2014


On Friday, we are going to be learning all about the important job that the charity Children in Need does and why we are supporting it in school. 

This year, the theme is 'Superheros', but not imaginary characters like Spiderman  or Batman, but ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The real heros.

We will watch the video on this link, 


Sunday 9 November 2014


On Tuesday, we are going to learn a little more about remembrance day. What are we remembering? Why do we wear a poppy? Why do we hold a minutes silence?
We will use this web link to help us answer these questions and any others that you may have.


Monday 27 October 2014


When you come back from, what I hope was a lovely weeks holiday we have lots to do.

TOPIC - Straight away, we are going to get really stuck into our Mayan topic, to improve our history knowledge and skills. We will find out when they lived, what they created and what they believed in. After that, we will have a science focus with a a new topic called 'The Animal Kingdom'.

ENGLISH - We are going to study the stories of an author called Michael Foreman (have a look on our literacy blog page, for more information), he's great. We will also have another poetry day and look at letter writing, with some fun links to our topic.

MATHS - We will continue to develop our skills in mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also do some work on measuring and data collection and have a concentrated look at working with fractions.

PE  We have the all important dance to create for our school production 'Around the world in 80 days' but we are very lucky to be having a PE specialist coming in once a week to work on your football skills with you. Don't forget your trainers and PE kit.

We will of course continue with our computer programming, French, RE and PSHE,

Thursday 9 October 2014


We are going to stay in South America for our new topic, the Mayans. The Mayan people were an ancient civilization who were just amazing. They invented all sorts of things. This video clip will explain more.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Literacy - Persuasive Posters

In year 3, we have been looking at the importance of the rainforest both to the native inhabitants and globally. Here are some of our posters about it.


On Thursday, as it was National Poetry Day, we dedicated our learning to the love of poetry, listening to it and writing our own poems.
We drew inspiration from the Amazon rainforest, with a focus on the Tarantula. To help us, we went exploring in the school grounds to find spiders to study carefully, within their natural habitat. This really helped us. Here we are rummaging in the undergrowth!

The tarantula's furry, pointy legs scattered across the floor like tingling fingers

It's dark, beady eyes shine and look like a demon flying in the dark sky

                                                 It's warm, furry body is as soft as                                                    a feather.

                                                by Deago, Lucas & Alfie

Saturday 20 September 2014


As part of our topic, we listened carefully to the sounds that can be heard in a rainforest. If you click on the clip below you will hear our whole class attempt to recreate the sounds of a rainstorm gradually getting closer, before moving away again.

Saturday 13 September 2014


This week, we discussed and then finalised our class charter, setting out our rights and responsibilities, so that we can have the best possible learning opportunities.

This is our class charter.

OUR RIGHTS                                              OUR RESPONSIBILITIES

TO LEARN                                                                 LISTEN, TALK & TO SHARE

TO BE SAFE                                                              BE SENSIBLE & LOOK AFTER EACH                                                                                                 OTHER

TO HAVE FUN, BE HAPPY                                    TO BE KIND & THOUGHTFUL

TO HAVE THINGS & PEOPLE                              TO LOOK AFTER OUR BELONGINGS &  
TO HELP US                                                             SCHOOL EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING                                                                                                   REUSING & RECYCLING

                                                                                    TO DISTRACT EACH OTHER (the class                                                                                               decided that they wanted to add this one in, after                                                                                     a couple of weeks back at school)

Thursday 28 August 2014


I'm really looking forward to starting the new year with you all and I hope you are too.

We are going to start the year with a topic about the Amazon rainforest. It's a hugely important part of South America and one that affects the whole world.

 It also has the most amazing plants and animals there.

Don't forget to bring the things you need for school: Lunch, water bottle, PE kit & trainers, your holiday work, but most importantly of all, a big smile and your sense of humour (you'll need that for the whole year)!