Friday 13 February 2015

Marketing for enterprise week

We needed to advertise our products to get people to buy them.

Enterprise Week - finding out about jobs

We were lucky to have some parents come in to talk about their jobs. Thank you parents for sharing with us what you do. It was very interesting to hear about what you do.

 Looking at different pig food.
 Finding out about oil.

 Being put through our paces trying out an army drill. Look how smart you all look Year 3!

Enterprise Week

We visited Tesco to find out about the jobs within Tescos. We also found out about how Tesco work towards recycling and reusing items in order to reduce the waste they create. We were lucky to be given a tour about the store and saw what is behind the scenes at Tesco. 

Enterprise Week

In Year 3 we developed our printing skills when making the notebooks we sold at the enterprise market.
The printing blocks were made from polystyrene from pizza bases. We recycled the scrap paper from our class to make the insides of the notebooks.

Flugtag competition!

We had our own Flugtag competition! We designed, made and tested our own flying machines to which one would fly the furthest. We made sure it was a fair test in the competition by checking the starting point was the same and only changing the plane. We used our measuring skills to measure and compare distances. 
Finn's plane went the furthest!