Friday 23 January 2015

ART: The great Leonardo da Vinci

This week we have been learning about the genius Leonardo da Vinci. We already knew that he'd drawn designs for flying machines hundreds of years before people began to fly. However we were amazed to find out that he was a fantastic artist as well!
We looked carefully at his sketches to help develop our own skills.  Look at how we have explored the use of light and shadow in our sketching.

We also looked at the very famous painting, The Mona Lisa.  Here are some of our versions of it.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Secret Stuff going on in Year 3

We have been looking at the 8 secrets to success and how we can play an important role in "being the best that we can be".

With this in mind we have been completing challenges and deciding in which areas we are stronger in and which areas we can challenge ourselves.

Exciting English

We have had great fun in Year 3 this term working with performance poetry.  

We have looked at what features make a poem into a successful performance poem and written our own lines for some familiar poems.  

We have looked at using rhyming words at the end of each line and internal rhyme. 

We have particularly enjoyed performing raps and our highlight last week was writing our own rap.  They were so good, they will be on display in our classroom soon.