Thursday 18 June 2015

Munching Caterpillars

This afternoon we had our second visit from Megan at Munching Caterpillars.  She taught us about the lifecycle of a moth and she showed us how the experts catch moths in a special mothtrap.  Many of our class are now even able to identify butterflies in our school grounds!  Megan brought in some very big and very beautiful moths that we were able to look at up close.

Megan brought loads of different things we could look at and learn about.  We had so many questions!

R.E Sikhism

In R.E this term, we have been learning about Sikhism.  We have learned what is important to people who follow the Sikh religion.  We have learned about the important artefacts and practices of Sikhs.

We have learned how each family take it in turns to cook a vegetarian meal for everyone who attends the Gurdwara.

Today we shared a meal as a group.  Meals are an important time for all families and religions.  We tried some new some vegetarian foods that we have never heard of before.

Mixed vegetable marsala, Lentil and chickpea daal, bombay potatoes, chapatis, Naan breads, Popadoms, mango chutney and yogurt sauce.

Everybody in Year 3 tried something new!

We even had time to take part in a relaxation session with calming music and a story we had to imagine.

Performance poetry

This week in English, Year 3 have been working on poetry.  We have been looking at the use of adjectives, adverbs and adverbials.  Today we learned a poem off by heart and worked on our performance skills.  We used a checklist to make sure we remembered all the key skills like using the right volume, the right speed and making eye contact with the audience.  We reviewed each others performance to see where we could improve.

What did they do well and what could they improve?  Write a review to help their performance be the best it can be.

Monday 8 June 2015

History - World War 1

Use these links to help you research and answer the challenge questions you have been set.
How many challenge envelopes will you be able to answer this afternoon?

Time line of events

BBC out break of the war

Assassination of Franz

BBC schools link WW1

Thursday 4 June 2015

Arts Week 2015

What a creative class our Year 3s are! This week, inspired by insects, we have......

fabric painted, used watercolours, sketched with pencils, sculpted with wire, created jointed insects using our DT skills, examined insect body parts with microscopes, created "soundscapes" using music software, taken part in a drumming workshop, learned new songs, used chalks to create "body" art and performed as a class.

Have a look at the first part of our Arts Week Gallery below, we think you'll be impressed.

More photos to follow soon.

Here is a short clip of Year 3 rocking the drums!

Can the class take control of the beat?

Who can remember the name of the goat skin drums we used today?  5 housepoints for the first person to come and tell Miss Moscrop.

Finally here is the master at work!! Glynn was a great drumming teacher and we all had so much fun.

Wednesday 27 May 2015


This year our theme for Arts Week is the Carnival of the Animals.
We will be using all our art skills to create our own school carnival of the animals. They'll be music, movement, painting, drawing and much more!
Year 3 will be focussing on mini beasts during the week.

The original Carnival of the Animals was a piece of music written by a French composer called Camille Saint-Saens in 1886. In French it is called 'Le carnaval des animaux'.  It is written in 14 movements, or sections. Each movement is based on an animal or group of animals.  

Listen to some of the movements - can you tell which animal is being described in the music?
What instruments can you hear being played? 

Movement 6 of Carnival of the animals

Movement 7 of Carnival of the Animals

Movement 8 of Carnival of the animals

Movement 12 of carnival of the animals

Could you hear a piano?
What about stringed instruments such as viola, violin, double bass and cello?
There are also flutes, clarinets, glass harmonica and xylophones used in the music.